Fuels Around the World: Finding Stove Fuel In A Foreign Country

Fuels Around the World: Finding Stove Fuel In A Foreign Country

MSR Team

Planning for an international adventure—whether it’s trekking in the Himalayas, bikepacking the Alps, or hiking through Pakistan—requires extra consideration of gear, especially stove options. While you can fly with your stove, you can’t fly with most common stove fuels. This may leave you asking:

How do I find the stove fuel I need in a foreign country? And, what other types of fuel can I use?

Multiple things come into consideration when deciding which stove to take in the first place—region, trip duration and season all factor in. And it’s important to thoroughly research the specific locations you’re headed to (travel forums are a great place to start). But here are the basics to know when planning to take your favorite stove abroad with you. Liquid camping fuel (white gas, naptha, “Coleman fuel”) and gas fuel canisters are sold in a variety of places worldwide these days. In addition to North America, Europe offers many options. Thus, if you’re on a fast-paced, weight-conscious trek through the Alps, an efficient canister stove like the Reactor is a safe bet and a convenient choice. But for trips into the developing world or remote adventures far from the beaten path and re-supply stations, a multi-fuel stove remains the gold standard for world travelers. No matter where you go, you’ll be able to find fuel for a stove such as the XGK EX or WhisperLite Universal.

Cooking with MSR Reactor Stove System Photo by James Barkman

Gas Canisters: Fuel Availability & Options

Canister fuel (butane, propane, or a blend of both) is widely sold, but it’s not everywhere. In places like North America, Europe and popular tourist or climbing regions such as Patagonia and the Khumbu in Nepal, you can expect to find canister fuels for sale. If you can’t locate an outdoor shop, check a hardware store, gas station or convenience store. These days, most canisters use a standard threaded valve, so compatibility is less of a challenge than it used to be.

You can be confident in finding canister fuels in these regions:

  • North America
  • Patagonia
  • Himalayas
  • Pakistan
  • Israel
  • Europe
  • South Africa
  • Parts of Central America

Buy from a reputable source to confirm that you’re never purchasing a refilled canister. We’ve heard stories of canisters being dangerously refilled with 100% propane, the pressure of which most canisters are not designed to withstand. For MSR canister fuel stoves, you’ll need a threaded, self-sealing canister. MSR IsoPro canisters are sold worldwide.

Cooking in high altitude Photo credit: Emily Polar

Liquid Fuels: Availability, Options & International Names

Like canisters, traditional camping fuel (white gas, such as MSR’s clean-burning blend of SuperFuel) can be found in outdoor stores, hardware stores and gas stations in most developed regions. But if you’re headed into the unknown, there’s a good chance you’ll rely at some point on one of these fuels listed below. There are advantages and disadvantages to each that you'll want to be aware of, but this is a brief overview. Then, to see a list of the translations of liquid fuel names around the world and their general availability, check out the chart at the bottom.


Even in the most remote reaches of the globe, you can count on finding kerosene in markets or shops. Its quality and refinement vary greatly from region to region, and it’s dirty, stinky and can be harder to light. But it’s inexpensive and so widely available that it’s the fuel relied on by many a global vagabond.




Often, diesel is easier to get than white gas. Unfortunately, like kerosene, its quality varies, it's foul-smelling and can clog your stove quickly. The XGK EX stove, an expedition powerhouse, can handle diesel better than nearly any other stove on the market, requiring less maintenance with such dirty fuels.

Automotive Gasoline 

While auto-gas (petrol) may seem like an obvious contingency fuel given the accessibility of gas stations in many parts, you should consider it a last resort. Though it burns hotter than kerosene, it has disadvantages including the fact that the superheating process of backpacking stoves causes the additives and impurities in gasoline to clog your stove quickly. 

Denatured Alcohol/Spirits 

You must have a specific alcohol-burning stove to burn spirits; these stoves don’t fall under the typical class of “liquid-fuel” stoves. Alcohol stoves are often homemade and preferred by the fast-and-light crowd as they tend to be ultralight. Of course, there are other options for stove fuels out there, but those are the types you're most likely to encounter. Before your trip, understand the types of fuel your stove accommodates, lest you find yourself miles from the nearest town with a fuel you can’t use. For fuel name translations, click the chart. And share your own experiences with finding fuels in foreign countries in the comments section below.

Fuel Availability in Australia

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas shellite Yes
Kerosene kerosene Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas petrol Yes
Mineral Spirits white spirits Yes
Aviation (AV) Gas AV gas, jet al Yes

Fuel Availability in Belgium

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas wasbenzine Yes
Kerosene petroleum Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas loodvrije benzine Yes
Mineral Spirits spiritus Yes
Aviation (AV) Gas kerosine Yes

Fuel Availability in Denmark

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas renset benzin Yes
Kerosene petroleum Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas benzin Yes
Mineral Spirits spirit Yes
Aviation (AV) Gas fly benzin Yes

Fuel Availability in France

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas essence "c" Yes
Kerosene petrole, lampante Yes
Diesel gazole Yes
Automobile Gas essence normale, essence sance plomb Yes
Mineral Spirits espirit-de-vin or alcool No
Aviation (AV) Gas carburéacteur Yes

Fuel Availability in Germany

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas reinigungsbenzin, kocherbenzin Yes
Kerosene petrol Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas superbenzin (bleifrei) Yes
Mineral Spirits spiritus No
Aviation (AV) Gas flugbenzin, AV gas, kerosin Yes
Jet Fuel kerosin, flugbenzin Yes

Fuel Availability in Holland

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas wasbenzine Yes
Kerosene petroleum, lampenolie Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas loodvrije benzine Yes
Mineral Spirits spiritus Yes
Aviation (AV) Gas kerosine Yes

Fuel Availability in Israel

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas delek lavan Yes
Kerosene neft Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas delek natul 95, delek natul 98 Yes
Mineral Spirits ------ No
Aviation (AV) Gas jet fuel No

Fuel Availability in Italy

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas benzina bianca Yes
Kerosene kerosene Yes
Diesel gasolio per autotrazione Yes
Automobile Gas benzina per autoveicoli Yes
Mineral Spirits ------ No
Aviation (AV) Gas jet fuel No

Fuel Availability in Japan

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas white gasoline Yes
Kerosene hakutohyu Yes
Diesel keiyu Yes
Automobile Gas gasoline Yes
Mineral Spirits ------ No
Aviation (AV) Gas jet nenryou Yes

Fuel Availability in Spain

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas becina blanca, solvente Yes
Kerosene keroseno, petroleo Yes
Diesel gasoleo automocion Yes
Automobile Gas gasolina automocion Yes
Mineral Spirits disolvente Yes
Aviation (AV) Gas keroseno aviacion Yes

Fuel Availability in Sweden

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas ren bensin, industri bensin Yes
Kerosene fotogen Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas bilbensin, blyad, blyfri Yes
Mineral Spirits t-röd No
Aviation (AV) Gas flybensin Yes
Other grön bensin, t-gul Yes

Fuel Availability in Switzerland

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas reinbenzin, fleckenbenzine wundbenzin Yes
Kerosene petrol Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas superbenzin, bleifreibenzin Yes
Mineral Spirits ------ No
Aviation (AV) Gas gasflugbenzin, AV gas Yes
Jet Fuel kerosin Yes

Fuel Availability in Taiwan

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas 去漬油 Yes
Kerosene 煤油 Yes
Diesel 柴油 Yes
Automobile Gas 汽油 Yes
Mineral Spirits 礦物油 Yes
Aviation (AV) Gas ------ No

Fuel Availability in United Kingdom

U.S. Fuel Name Translation Available
White Gas white gas Yes
Kerosene paraffin Yes
Diesel diesel Yes
Automobile Gas petrol Yes
Mineral Spirits white spirits Yes
Aviation (AV) Gas aviation fuel No

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Updated. Originally published on July 25th, 2014.
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