Wasseraufbereitung in der Wildnis: Wann kann ma...
Foto von Ryan Peterson, Unuk River in Alaska Braune, schlammige Bäche, teefarbene Rinnsale, selbst klare, eiskalte Seen – jede Wasserquelle in der Wildnis kann einen ganzen Cocktail an Schadstoffen enthalten....
Wasseraufbereitung in der Wildnis: Wann kann ma...
Foto von Ryan Peterson, Unuk River in Alaska Braune, schlammige Bäche, teefarbene Rinnsale, selbst klare, eiskalte Seen – jede Wasserquelle in der Wildnis kann einen ganzen Cocktail an Schadstoffen enthalten....

Safe Water Anywhere—A Guide to the MSR Guardian...
We're proud to introduce a sibling to the award-winning Guardian™ Purifier, meet the Guardian™ Gravity Purifier.
Safe Water Anywhere—A Guide to the MSR Guardian...
We're proud to introduce a sibling to the award-winning Guardian™ Purifier, meet the Guardian™ Gravity Purifier.

Behind the Guardian Purifier’s Technology & Design
MSR engineers designed the Guardian purifier to be the safest and easiest way to purify water virtually anywhere on earth. Achieving such a high degree of performance required advancements in...
Behind the Guardian Purifier’s Technology & Design
MSR engineers designed the Guardian purifier to be the safest and easiest way to purify water virtually anywhere on earth. Achieving such a high degree of performance required advancements in...

Snapshot: MSR’s Decades of R&D in Water Treatment
Here’s a brief look at how MSR’s efforts grew from outdoor products to global health technologies.
Snapshot: MSR’s Decades of R&D in Water Treatment
Here’s a brief look at how MSR’s efforts grew from outdoor products to global health technologies.

Boiling Snow & Filtering Water in the Alpine
A successful adventure in the alpine requires many working parts. Number one is most certainly stoke! However, there are other aspects that are just as important. When planning a trip...
Boiling Snow & Filtering Water in the Alpine
A successful adventure in the alpine requires many working parts. Number one is most certainly stoke! However, there are other aspects that are just as important. When planning a trip...

MSR’s Complete Guide to the Basics of Water Tre...
What kind of water treatment do I need? It’s a simple question, but there is no easy answer. Water treatment is far from a black and white subject; differing threats,...
MSR’s Complete Guide to the Basics of Water Tre...
What kind of water treatment do I need? It’s a simple question, but there is no easy answer. Water treatment is far from a black and white subject; differing threats,...

Thanks to the all-new Paradigm binding, the Explore series hits the sweet spot for most users, delivering comfort, reliability and performance for intermediate to advanced snowshoers.

The Evolution of the MSR Hubba Hubba™ Tent Series
Take a look back at the legendary Hubba Hubba tent’s history to discover why it was such a game-changing design, and why it remains one of the most popular tents in the outdoors today.

As the world’s fastest, most fuel-efficient all-condition stove system, the Reactor is still the gold standard on everything from pioneering expeditions to overnight backpacking trips.