Scientific Benefits of Getting Outside
Patrice La Vigne
Everybody knows the feeling. You’ve grown lethargic staying in these temperature-controlled confines. The desire to get outside has transformed from a want to a need. To breathe in that mountain air. To fall asleep under a blanket of stars. To feel the burn of a long hike uphill. Being outside makes your life better. Here's how.

Mental Benefits of Nature
The physical benefits of hiking are obvious. But what about the mental benefits? According to a 2015 study, walking for 90 minutes in a natural environment can put the brakes on negative and obsessive thoughts. Since it can take more than 20 minutes mentally to recover from an e-mail message, getting outside may just be the right mental health prescription. Similarly, nature therapy could reduce stress. In a 2011 Japanese study, adults who spent time in nature exhibited lower levels of cortisol, the hormone used as a marker for stress. These same adults also had lower blood pressure and lower heart rates. In fact, people with major depressive disorder come away in a better mood after taking a 50-minute walk in a natural setting according to 2013 data.
Problem Solving
Writer’s block? Stumped on a math equation? Need some inspiration for a new ad campaign? In a 2012 analysis, researchers studied the before and after creativity levels and problem-solving abilities of participants in Outward Bound. After four days of backpacking and being disconnected from multimedia and technology, there was a 50 percent increase in performance credited to their immersion in nature. Ever walk into a room and forget what you came in for? Besides cognitive skills, outdoor activity can help prevent memory loss and improve concentration. A 1991 study showed that a walk in the woods helped folks restore their waning attention better than a walk in the city or just general resting indoors. More recent 2008 University of Michigan findings say walking in nature improves attention.