The Ultimate Guide to MSR Tents
Whether you’re climbing the biggest peaks on earth or planning a campout with the family, MSR® has the perfect tent for you. MSR tents are built on a foundation of...
The Ultimate Guide to MSR Tents
Whether you’re climbing the biggest peaks on earth or planning a campout with the family, MSR® has the perfect tent for you. MSR tents are built on a foundation of...

Behind the Gear: MSR Explore™ Snowshoes & Parad...
If choosing the right snowshoe has seemed a bit daunting in the past, things just got a lot easier with the updated MSR Explore series of snowshoes. Thanks to the...
Behind the Gear: MSR Explore™ Snowshoes & Parad...
If choosing the right snowshoe has seemed a bit daunting in the past, things just got a lot easier with the updated MSR Explore series of snowshoes. Thanks to the...

MSR Water Products & Treatment Systems Guide
Perhaps nothing is more important to a good time outdoors than having a handy supply of fresh, clean water. In fact, MSR’s very first stove—the Model 9—was built explicitly to...
MSR Water Products & Treatment Systems Guide
Perhaps nothing is more important to a good time outdoors than having a handy supply of fresh, clean water. In fact, MSR’s very first stove—the Model 9—was built explicitly to...

Traitement de l’eau en terrain reculé : quand c...
Filets d’eau brune chargée de limon, ruisselets couleur de thé et même lacs bleu clair d’eau gelée —toutes les eaux de terrains reculés proposent leur cocktail d’agents contaminants. Et pourtant...
Traitement de l’eau en terrain reculé : quand c...
Filets d’eau brune chargée de limon, ruisselets couleur de thé et même lacs bleu clair d’eau gelée —toutes les eaux de terrains reculés proposent leur cocktail d’agents contaminants. Et pourtant...

A Guide to MSR Backpacking Stoves
MSR debuted its first stove in 1973. The pragmatically named Model 9 stove allowed mountaineers to melt snow faster for drinking water, radically improving their safety at altitude. As the...
A Guide to MSR Backpacking Stoves
MSR debuted its first stove in 1973. The pragmatically named Model 9 stove allowed mountaineers to melt snow faster for drinking water, radically improving their safety at altitude. As the...

The Ultimate Guide to MSR Cookware
It’s often said that the best gear in the world is gear you don’t notice. It’s the stuff that works so remarkably well, it’s unremarkable. It just does its thing,...
The Ultimate Guide to MSR Cookware
It’s often said that the best gear in the world is gear you don’t notice. It’s the stuff that works so remarkably well, it’s unremarkable. It just does its thing,...

Thanks to the all-new Paradigm binding, the Explore series hits the sweet spot for most users, delivering comfort, reliability and performance for intermediate to advanced snowshoers.

The Evolution of the MSR Hubba Hubba™ Tent Series
Take a look back at the legendary Hubba Hubba tent’s history to discover why it was such a game-changing design, and why it remains one of the most popular tents in the outdoors today.

As the world’s fastest, most fuel-efficient all-condition stove system, the Reactor is still the gold standard on everything from pioneering expeditions to overnight backpacking trips.