Chad Kellogg on Everest: Summit Day
MSR Team
On May 22nd 2013 Chad will attempt to set the speed record for an ascent of Everest without supplemental oxygen. Chad spent years training and planning for this event, here he explains what is involved, his strategy and what this record means to him. Here's his plan:
"At 3 pm May 22nd I will start up from Base Camp, 17,350 ft.
At 6:30 pm I plan to arrive to Camp 2, 21,450 ft.
15 minute changeover in Camp 2 getting water, carbo and electrolyte powder mix, gloves, balaclava and down suit.
At 7:45 pm arrive to the base of the Lhotse Face. Change into 8,000 meter boots and crampons.
Arrive 9 pm to Camp 3, 23,300 ft.
15 minutes to refill 2 liters of water and mix more powdered fuel and a couple of bars
Arrive 3 am to South Col and Camp 4, 26,000 ft.
15 minutes to mix 2 more liters of powdered fuel, pick up a 1 liter thermos and a few bars. Radio to Base Camp that all is well and move up with Fuchettar, my summit Sherpa.
Arrive to Summit between 12 and 1 pm at 29,035 ft., after 9-10 hours above South Col.
Total elapsed time estimated between 21-22 hours.
Time to beat: 22:29 hours set by Marc Batard in October of 1990
Then it is time to get down as fast as possible safely. I anticipate running into some down traffic on the way up, but as of now there are an estimated 65 people going for the summit on May 23rd so this should not slow me down very much, I hope.
For those of you who want to follow my progress real time, I will be wearing a Spot GPS tracking device. My progress will overlay on a Google Earth map and you will be able to check on my progress as often as you would like. My Nepal start time will translate into Wednesday 2:15 am PST May 22nd, projected summit time will be between Wednesday 11:15 pm and Thursday 12:15 am PST and projected finish time around Thursday 9:15 am PST May 23rd."