Introducing the Winter Therm-a-Rest Dream Team
In the natural world, winter presents an annual challenge. Temperatures can become unforgivingly cold, resources run scarce, daylight hours are constricted and the living breathing world settles in to survive. Yet, for us humans—even with the challenge of COVID—life goes on and that means a new season’s worth of adventures. If your winter adventure is more or less hibernation, we have the sleeping pad for you! However, if winter means the onset of cabin fever and the nagging desire to get out there, you are not alone. When the temperature drops, their stoke rises…we are proud to introduce the 2020-2021 Winter Dream Team!
Cabin fever is just one part of their personalities that make them winter warriors. Get to know them below, give them a follow, and stick around to pick up tips, inspiration and see how they live their best lives this winter with the help of some quality Therm-a-Rest gear.