Matelas de camping NeoLoft™

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Matelas de camping NeoLoft™

Un matelas pneumatique léger et compact pour la grande randonnée, qui vous offre le confort du camping familial.
  • Conçu pour la grande randonnée : pesant 850 g (30 oz – taille Standard Large), à peine plus gros qu’une gourde de 1 litre une fois enroulé et avec une valeur R de 4,7, le NeoLoft vous assure le confort du camping familial loin au cœur de la nature.
  • Conception 3D : son épaisseur de presque 11,7 cm (4,6 po) et sa large surface rectangulaire sont idéales pour les personnes qui dorment sur le côté, celles qui bougent la nuit et celles qui apprécient le confort : en fait, tout le monde, quoi !
  • Tissu maille tricot extensible : très doux comme votre couche de base préférée, le tissu extensible se moule au corps pour un confort et un soutien parfaits.
  • Technologie ContourCore Matrix™ : la conception à haute efficacité thermique du matelas pneumatique est basée sur des matériaux qui favorisent le confort, ce qui permet au NeoLoft d’épouser la forme du corps, de le soutenir et de l’isoler, en plus de s’enrouler sous un volume réduit.
  • Flancs sécuritaires : les flancs vous maintiennent en place et délimitent intuitivement le bord du matelas, ce qui réduit les risques de rouler en bas du matelas et les zones froides.
  • Gonflage et dégonflage simples : avec le système de valves TwinLock™ et le sac-pompe à coutures renforcées, le gonflage devient un jeu d’enfant, le contrôle de la fermeté est précis et le dégonflage est rapide lorsqu’il est temps de lever le camp.
  • Tissu de la base teinté dans la masse : la teinture dans la masse permet d’obtenir des couleurs plus vives et plus durables et réduit les répercussions écologiques en utilisant moins d’eau et d’énergie que les méthodes traditionnelles.
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Sans en avoir l’air, le NeoLoft est un véritable matelas de couchage pour la grande randonnée. À l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur, chaque élément du NeoLoft s’associe pour offrir un confort optimal tout en lui permettant de rester incroyablement léger et facile à transporter. La conception 3D confère au matelas une épaisseur de presque 11,7 cm (4,6 po), ce qui fait du NeoLoft le matelas idéal pour les personnes qui dorment sur le côté. Des cloisons latérales verticales relient le dessus et le dessous et éliminent les bords arrondis des matelas qui ne font pas appel à la technologie 3D. Cela augmente la surface de couchage de 20 % et offre une excellente stabilité : vous ne roulez pas en bas du matelas lorsque vous vous retournez au milieu de la nuit.

L’extérieur du NeoLoft est en maille tricot extensible (le NeoLoft est le premier matelas pneumatique à utiliser un tissu en maille tricot extensible). La maille tricot extensible est un tissu semblable à une couche de base, doté d’une élasticité multidirectionnelle. Il est beaucoup plus doux au toucher que les tissus nylon généralement utilisés pour les matelas de camping. Grâce à l’élasticité du tissu, le NeoLoft épouse mieux votre corps et minimise les points de pression en s’adaptant naturellement à votre morphologie. Le noyau ContourCore Matrix à l’intérieur représente la pièce maîtresse qui fait du NeoLoft le matelas parfait pour la grande randonnée. Il assure une isolation efficace en minimisant les pertes de chaleur par convection grâce à deux rangées superposées de chambres pneumatiques triangulaires, et le système ThermaCapture™ renvoie la chaleur produite par votre corps, offrant ainsi une valeur R toutes-saisons de 4,7. Nous avons intégré des boudins pneumatiques sur les côtés. Ils constituent des rails latéraux lorsque le matelas est gonflé. Votre corps décèle de manière tactile les bords du matelas et ils vous recalent vers le milieu pour vous éviter de rouler en bas du matelas.

Nous avons équipé le NeoLoft de notre système de valve TwinLock™ pour les matelas à haut volume. Ce système à deux valves permet de gonfler rapidement le NeoLoft avec une valve d’entrée dédiée unidirectionnelle, et de le vider rapidement à l’aide d’une valve de sortie dédiée. Associé à un sac-pompe à grand volume avec coutures renforcées, le NeoLoft se gonfle et se range rapidement et avec efficacité.

Regular Wide Large
SKU 14158 14159
Color Ember Ember
R-Value 4.7 4.7
Weight (Standard) 1 lb 14 oz 2 lb
Weight (Metric) 0.85 kg 0.91 kg
Width (Standard) 26 in 26 in
Width (Metric) 66 cm 66 cm
Length (Standard) 73 in 78 in
Length (Metric) 185 cm 198 cm
Height (Standard) 4.6 in 4.6 in
Height (Metric) 11.7 cm 11.7 cm
Thickness (Standard) 4.6 in 4.6 in
Thickness (Metric) 11.7 cm 11.7 cm
Packed dimension (Standard) 11.5 x 6.0 11.5 x 6.0
Packed dimension (Metric) 29 cm x 15 cm 29 cm x 15 cm
Top fabric type 50D polyester knit 50D polyester knit
Bottom fabric type 75D Polyester Solution Dyed 75D Polyester Solution Dyed
What's Included PumpSack, Stuff Sack, Repair Kit PumpSack, Stuff Sack, Repair Kit
Country of Origin USA*Built of the Finest U.S. and Global Materials USA*Built of the Finest U.S. and Global Materials

Contenu réductible

What is solution-dyed fabric?

Solution-dyed fabric uses pre-dyed fibers to minimize the water and energy required to color the fabric. This means that color, or pigment, is added to the material producing the completed fabric. Compared to conventional batch-dyeing—the process of dyeing already produced fabric— solution dyeing requires significantly less water and energy, reducing waste and carbon emissions.

Will the NeoLoft fit in my tent?

Check the floor dimensions of your tent to see if they will accommodate the extra width of a NeoLoft pad. Lengthwise, every NeoLoft size will fit in the typical backpacking tent.

The floor dimensions of most 2-person backpacking tents are typically 50-52 in (127-132 cm) wide by 88-90 in (223-229 cm) long. If your 2-person backpacking tent is 52 in (132 cm) wide, then it will fit two Regular Wides or two Longs, or one of each. If your 2-person backpacking tent is 50 in (127 cm) wide, two of the wider NeoLofts will bulge slightly against the sides, but it will easily fit one Regular Wide or Long and one Regular.

Why is the NeoLoft wider and longer than other pads even though they are the same size (Regular, Regular Wide, Large)?

A Regular Wide NeoLoft measures 26 in x 73 in (66 cm x 185 cm), whereas a Regular XLite™ NXT measures 25 in x 72 in (64 cm x 183 cm). The NeoLoft’s 3D construction utilizes a sidewall band that attaches the top and bottom fabric. The sidewalls bulge out a bit when inflated, adding a touch of extra length and width.

Is the NeoLoft™ a NeoAir® sleeping pad?

No it’s not; we borrowed the ‘Neo’ moniker due to similarities in the internal constructions of the NeoLoft and the NeoAir pads. The NeoAir uses Triangular Core Matrix construction and the NeoLoft has ContourCore Matrix construction.

What’s the difference between Triangular Core Matrix™ construction and ContourCore Matrix™ construction?

Optimized for industry-leading warmth-to-weight ratios, Triangular Core Matrix is used inside our lightest, most compact sleeping pads. ContourCore Matrix uses the same thermally efficient design (two stacked layers of triangular chambers that disrupt convective heat loss) but incorporates a more flexible urethane material that allows for a thicker pad and superior contouring support. It’s heavier and less compact but maximizes comfort.

How should I inflate my self-inflating pad the first time?

For best performance, inflate your self-inflating pad with air by breath or pump and sack and leave the mattress fully inflated for 2-4 hours before your first use.

How do I inflate my self-inflating pad during winter?

In freezing conditions, avoid breath inflating your self-inflating pad. The moisture from your breath can freeze inside the mattress. The mattress may self-inflate slower in cold weather. Use a pump sack or electric pump if the pad needs additional air.

How Does a Self-Inflating Sleeping Pad Work?

Self-inflating sleeping pads rely on the compressible and rebound-able open cell foam cores to self-inflate. The atmospheric pressure around the pad pushes air into the rebounding open cells when the valve is opened. Check out our blog post for more information.

How Long Should it Take for My Pad to Self-Inflate?

Generally, it takes 5-15 minutes for any of our self-inflating pads to inflate on their own. That 10-minute variance range is probably due to one of the following factors: core construction, trained compression, elevation and temperature. We find the most significant factor is trained compression (i.e. if your pad is new and has been factory rolled on the shelf for some time or stored rolled up for a few months). Check out our blog post to find out why.

Why Doesn’t My Self-Inflating Pad Inflate All the Way?

Self-inflation begins when the valve is opened and ends when equilibrium is reached between the atmospheric pressure outside the cells and the air pressure within the cells pushing the other way. In our experience, most users’ comfort level requires more air than the equilibrium level, which is why self-inflating pads don’t inflate “all the way.” Check out our blog post for more information.

How should I store my sleeping pad?

  • Self-Inflating: We recommend storing the mattress unrolled and fully inflated in a dry place with the valve open. This will ensure the foam self-inflates faster when camping. Storage for a prolonged time in a damp space may cause mildew damage which is not covered by our Limited Lifetime Warranty.
  • NeoAir: We recommend leaving the valve open and storing your mattress rolled tight in a stuff sack to protect it from dirt and sharp objects.

What is the best way to clean my sleeping pad?

Regular cleaning will extend the life of your mattress, especially if you sleep in direct contact with its surface.

Do not put your mattress in the washing machine. Cleaning with a hose or in a bathtub is best. Do not forget to close the valve while washing. For general cleaning, a quick scrubbing with Formula 409®, BioClean All-Purpose Cleaner, or other general household cleaner is best.

Watch the video: How to Care for Your Therm-a-Rest® Mattress

For tree sap, spot clean with a cotton rag soaked in rubbing alcohol. This will take some work and sap will likely leave a stain. However, a dusting with talc or baby powder when you are done should eliminate any residual stickiness.

What should I do if I think my sleeping pad is losing air?

If you think that your NeoAir or self-inflating sleeping pad are losing air, it’s possible that you have a puncture in your pad. If you want to repair your pad at home, check out this blog post. If you’d like to send your pad to our Seattle repair shop, head over to our warranty page.

How warm is my sleeping pad and what is the ASTM testing standard?

ASTM F3340-18 is a new testing standard that provides R-value ratings for sleeping pads. While Therm-a-Rest has always used R-value to rate our sleeping pads, this new standardization will allow campers to make “like-for-like” comparisons with our competitors pad. Head to a blog for an in-depth explanation.

What is the benefit of stretch knit fabric on my sleeping pad?

For comfort-conscious campers, we use stretch knit fabric for unrivaled support and superior next-to-skin feel. The fabric conforms to your body to provide supple support as you enjoy your nights under the stars.

Can I replace the valve on my Therm-a-Rest mattress?

  • Yes. Classic Valve Replacement Kits can be purchased here.
  • WingLock™ Valve Replacement Kits can be purchased here
  • If you’re having issues with your TwinLock™ Valve, our warranty & repair team is here to help. Please visit for more info.
  • If you’re not sure which valve you have please refer to the graphic below:
  • Valve Type

How do you inflate and deflate sleeping pads with a WingLock™ Valve?

  • Watch this video for step by step instructions on how to use the WingLock™ Valve
  • To Inflate the WingLock™ Valve:
    • Unroll your sleeping pad and open the valve cap by twisting it counter-clockwise.
    • Use a pump sack or breath to inflate your pad. The one-way valve will prevent air from escaping.
    • Continue inflation until the mattress is fully inflated and close the valve by twisting the valve cap clockwise.
  • To Deflate WingLock™ Valve:
    • Open the wings to open the one-way valve.
    • Open the valve cap by twisting counter-clockwise, allowing air to escape
    • Roll the pad toward the valve end, pushing any remaining air from the pad.

Can I replace my old Therm-a-Rest valve with a new WingLock™ Valve or TwinLock™ Valve?

No. WingLock™ or TwinLock™ Valves cannot be installed on products that originally included a Classic Therm-a-Rest Valve. If you’re not sure which valve you have please refer to the graphic below:Valve Type

What makes the WingLock™ Valve different from Classic Therm-a-Rest Valves?

  • Faster Inflation: Larger valve opening and one-way inflation allows three times faster airflow than our classic valve (with a pressurized air supply the Classic Valve flow rate measures to 2.2 standard cubic feet per minute, where the WingLock Valve flow rate measures to 6.5 standard cubic feet per minute, or a 295% difference).
  • One-Way Inflation: Unique design keeps air from escaping during inflation.
  • Deflation “Wings”: When it’s time to break camp, open the valve and twist the wings to deflate your pad twice as fast as our classic valve.
  • Watch this video to learn more

What makes the TwinLock™ Valve different from Classic Therm-a-rest Valves?

For our larger pads, we developed the TwinLock™ Valve which utilizes two one-way valves: a one-way inflation valve and one-way deflation valve that allows for five times faster deflation than our classic valve. Watch this video to learn more.

How do you inflate and deflate sleeping pads with a TwinLock™ Valve?

  • Watch this video for step by step instructions on how to use the TwinLock™ Valve
  • To Inflate TwinLock™ Valve:
    • Unroll your sleeping pad and open the “IN” valve by twisting it counter-clockwise.
    • Use a pump sack or breath to inflate your pad. The one-way “IN” valve will prevent air from escaping.
    • When the mattress is fully inflated and close the valve by twisting the valve cap clockwise.
  • To Deflate TwinLock™ Valve
    • Open the “OUT” valve by twisting counter-clockwise.
    • The one-way “OUT” valve will keep air from flowing back into the pad.
    • Roll the pad toward the valve end, pushing any remaining air from the pad.
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We accept returns within 30 days of purchase. All returned items must be in new condition. Please be sure no dirt, grass or pet hair is on the item you are returning. Learn More

Limited Lifetime Warranty

Every piece of Therm-a-Rest gear is designed to endure the rigors of your time in the backcountry. We offer a Limited Lifetime Warranty on all products, except electronic devices, which have a 2-year Limited Warranty. Visit our Therm-a-Rest warranty page for more info.

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