Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail with Chronic Depression
Therm-a-Rest Team
Sarah “Hermes” Wolfson, 25, had been struggling with chronic depression for half of her life by the time she decided to hike the 2,200-mile Appalachian Trail (AT) in 2020. She’d heard about thru-hiking years before, and she always felt an attraction to the idea of propelling herself to unfathomable distances with nothing more than sheer grit and determination. If she could make it from Georgia to Maine on her own two feet, what else would she be capable of doing? Maybe if she made it to Katahdin, things would be different. It seemed like the AT could provide an opportunity for Wolfson to forge a new path, and she was finally ready to make a change in the Spring of 2020.
And then the pandemic hit. Covid-19 stalled her dreams of hiking the Appalachian Trail, and seemingly suffocated her ambition. All of the months of preparation fizzled out, propelling her into uncertainty. Throughout the year, much like people the world over, Wolfson’s life seemed like it was stuck. Yet, she managed to cling to the hope that the following year, pandemic permitting, she could bid for the AT. And that’s just what happened.
for me was having podcasts and musicals at the ready. I know for myself when I'm in a funk I just need to listen to comedy. There were specific musicals I had ready as well.”
The trail community helped, too. “Confiding in other people was really helpful,” she recalls. While other hikers couldn’t always relate to Wolfson’s experience, they often provided a safe space to talk about whatever it was that was weighing her down. As the hike wore on, Wolfson became more capable of managing her down days.
solidified the fact that I don't have control over and I just have to manage it. Which is kinda freeing because I don't have to hold myself to this high standard anymore.”
Refocusing on management and not being cured was an important takeaway. “There are things you can do to make sure it's not out of control but you're never going to get rid of it really.” In some ways, accepting herself in her entirety allowed Wolfson to get past her emotional limitations.
After completing the Appalachian Trail, Wolfson began to notice additional changes to her self-perception that would follow her into the rest of her life. “I definitely feel more confident—confident in the world, and confident in myself, knowing that I can rely on myself, and do things on my own and be ok.” Thru-hiking instilled determination, focus, and confidence into her daily life.
She also generally found being outside to be a powerful experience. “I definitely think that being outdoors helps me to feel better in general.” Time and time again, studies have shown that spending time outdoors has a positive impact on depressive episodes (although the results may vary between groups of people). Wolfson naturally found herself tuning into this reality along the Appalachian Trail, where she spent the majority of her experience outside.
Ultimately, Wolfson was surprised at the extent of the impact that depression had on her thru-hike, feeling disappointed that she had to get off trail for as long as she did. But she has a hopeful message for other hikers who struggle with chronic depression. “I really do believe that anyone who wants to do the trail can do the trail. It might take different accommodations or time frames or whatever. But I do think if you really want to do it you can.”
However, she added a caveat: “Any problems you have back at home will catch up with you on trail, so don't do the trail as an escape. You'll still be the same person on trail, you’re just in a different environment.”
If you or your loved one is struggling with chronic depression, please don’t suffer alone. The SAMHSA National Helpline can be found here. A number of mental health resources can also be found here.
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The Challenges of Thru-hiking with Chronic Depression
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