Bring Light into the Dark Days
Jenny Abegg
You bend down to turn your bike lights on, looking out at the dark morning sky. Pedaling your bike to work, you begin shivering as the winter air bites at any exposed skin. Arriving at work, you hang up your bike and head to your desk. Roughly eight hours later, you clip on your helmet and wheel the bike out the door, back into the dark. A big sigh involuntarily exhales and you start pedaling home. Another day ends without seeing the sun.
Winters are tough. The short days and cloud cover can hide the sun for weeks. Combine these short days with cold temperatures and variable weather and you have a recipe for some serious wintertime gloom. However, hope is not lost.
In this edition of Therm-a-Rest Beta, Jenny Abegg teaches us some Norwegian vocab and her tips on beating the winter blues.
Leaves have withered and fallen, rendering trees bare and sidewalks slippery with wet, soggy foliage. The sun hangs low and doesn’t hang out for long. Your morning commute is in the dark, and your evening commute is too. The thrill of summer vacations and flings, sun-kissed skin, barefoot adventures, and wandering evenings outside are long gone.
For many, this is a very difficult time of year. Biologically speaking, our bodies want to slow down, put on a few pounds, and hibernate. And yet, in the world we live in, we’re told to keep going - continue working, socializing, exercising - even with the excitement and spunk of summer. The dark and cold of winter only gets in the way: we fight the change and loathe the weather, yet inevitably notice that finding motivation to keep our summertime mojo feels effortful, at times even impossible.
Norwegians, however, know how to do winter. These fine northern folk embrace rather than fight their natural tendencies, and in turn, their rates of winter depression are surprising low. This perspective is summed up with the word koselig, a whimsical concept that is best described in images: curling up under a wool blanket in front of a fire, drinking wine by candlelight with friends, a home-cooked meal, enjoying a snow day with a good book and a mug of steaming hot chocolate, and sweaters. Lots of sweaters. Essentially, it’s “chestnuts roasting on an open fire,” but all season long.

For you, staying healthy and happy during the dark months might mean getting up early to enjoy the sun, continuing to be active, and enjoying the outdoors during the daylight as much as possible. Makes sense to me. Inevitably though, the night comes and the cold descends. The change is here to stay - at least for a season - and we might as well make the most of it. With some help from the cozy little notion of koselig, here are a few ways to do just that:
- Stay Social

- Ambience is Key
- Find an Indoor Hobby
- Bring Cozy Outside

- Stop Complaining - Embrace What Is