The ultimate Road Trip: Life with Katrin and Lars Schneider

The ultimate Road Trip: Life with Katrin and Lars Schneider

MSR Team

 Lars Schneider

Katrin and Lars Schneider are living a life most of us envy—for more than ten years, they have been traveling, exploring and working together all around the world. Their photography and writing showcases a great variety of outdoor pursuits from backpacking, kayaking, freeriding, ski touring and snowshoeing, to mountain biking, yoga, trail running and bike touring. Take a look at their blog, and get inspired to take your own journey. Lars and Katrin gave us an inside look on what life is really like on the ultimate road trip:
 Lars Schneider 1 Cooking on the road with MSR!
 Lars Schneider 2 As the saying goes, Don't throw the baby out with the pasta water!
 Lars Schneider 3 Home Sweet Home
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