Tech Talk: Why We use Martensitic Steel in MSR Snowshoes
MSR Team
More so than any other part of a snowshoe, the crampon must offer rock-solid durability. As the central point of traction between you and the snowy slope beneath you, the crampon is not just critical to your safety, it also takes the brunt of abuse—from ice, rock and collisions with other gear. To ensure that MSR crampons withstand these challenges with ultimate reliability, we build them of martensitic steel. Here’s a look at the properties of this material and how we make our hardwearing crampons in-house.

What is martensitic steel?
Martensite is a class of very hard carbon steel that gains its strength through its rapid cooling process. It starts out as a solid carbon and iron crystalline structure. When heated to 1250 degrees and then forced to cool rapidly, its carbon atoms become trapped inside the iron atoms. This changes the shape of its crystals, greatly increasing the steel’s strength and rigidity. Martensite’s hardness makes it a popular steel when resistance to abrasion, high stress and deformation is crucial, such as in tools and machine parts.Why it’s great for snowshoe crampons
Not only is martensite hard—resisting scraping, bending, denting and dulling as you snowshoe over the course of many seasons—but it’s also light in relation to its strength. “Remember, the crampon of snowshoe is only one small part of its assembly,” says Anthony Gervais, design engineer for MSR. “So the lighter it is the better. Martensite’s strength-to-weight ratio makes it great for crampons that will be subjected to harsh environments.”