How Xtreme Shield™ Coating Increases the Life of Your Tent
MSR TeamMore than 10 years of cross-industry research and rigorous testing went into our new Xtreme Shield tent coating. It extends the life of a tent's waterproofness by three times. But what is it, exactly? We explain it all here.
Have you ever experienced this? You pull your tent from the closet, start to unfold it and it’s… sticky, kind of gummy, maybe the seams are flaking off. Your tent’s not that old. So, what happened? Science!

Over time, moisture, heat and humidity have been chemically breaking down your tent’s waterproof coating and seam tape---both as you’ve been using it and storing it---leaving you with a defeated tent. This natural process, called hydrolysis, happens much more quickly on today’s lightweight tents, an issue that’s been frustrating the tent industry for more than a decade. For 10 years, the MSR tent team has had nose to the grindstone—in the lab, talking to scientists—searching for a solution. Searching for the key to extending the life of your tent’s waterproofness. (Giving up isn’t exactly in our DNA.) But it was when we went outside the tent industry that we finally found what we were looking for.

Revolutionary Xtreme Shield Waterproof Coating
We began by looking at industries that require ultra-durable waterproof coatings to protect their products from the elements. Taking cues from their coating formulas, we developed a coating that’s revolutionary for the tent industry. We're calling it Xtreme Shield. How is it different? The magic is at the molecular level. Xtreme Shield's polyurethane features a molecular chain that's formulated specifically to hold up against heat and humidity. Therefore, it resists the premature degradation that traditional tent polyurethane coatings experience.

For you, this means a tent that lasts much longer, with a quality that's maintained over time. In fact, this waterproof coating is 3 times more durable than standard coatings, giving you reliable weather protection season in and season out. Developing the formula, however, was the easy part. It took years of testing to learn how to apply Xtreme Shield to tent fabrics in the production process. Now, having proven its performance, we’re excited this coating continues MSR's efforts to deliver long-lasting gear you can trust.

Durable, long-lasting seams

Innovation begins at the end of comfort zones