Make the Most of Your Stove: MSR Stove Accessories
MSR TeamWhile the idea of “accessorizing” something might sound a little superfluous, MSR stove accessories are anything but. In fact, our engineers can work for years on a single design. That’s because each one needs to not only work in concert—and safely—with our camp stoves but also needs to do so in a way that improves either efficiency and/or performance in a meaningful way. No stove can “do it all”, so many of these accessories are engineered to extend a stove's performance into extreme or rare conditions, while others simply allow greater convenience, versatility or efficiency.

So, before you start thinking about a whole new stove, or figuring out how to extend your fuel supply on a long trip, check out this comprehensive guide to MSR Stove Accessories and see just what your stove can do with a little help.
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Fuel-Related Stove Accessories

MSR Fuels
Is fuel an accessory? If we define 'accessory' as something that can change the performance of your stove, then the answer is undoubtedly yes. We refine, blend and test our fuels for optimal performance with each stove. That’s why we recommend our IsoPro™ Fuel Canisters for all of our canister stoves, and our premium, MSR SuperFuel™ for all of our liquid fuel stoves. While we certainly design our stoves to work with a variety of fuels, you can be assured of your stove's optimal performance and efficiency with MSR fuels.

MSR Fuel Bottles
Available in a range of sizes to meet the needs of any trip, only MSR Fuel bottles are designed specifically for use with MSR liquid fuel stoves. The threads are a perfect match to our fuel pumps and, combined with custom gaskets, provide the air-tight seal that is critical to the safe operation of our stoves. Quality assurance tests also ensure that our bottle walls can handle the high internal pressure needed for optimal stove operation. Don’t risk off-brand substitutes here. Always use an MSR fuel bottle with your MSR liquid fuel stove.

Child-Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap
Camping with little ones or keeping a full fuel bottle at home? Consider the Child-Resistant Fuel Bottle Cap. These are standard issue in Canada (per Health Canada requirements) and add the safety of a push-down-and-twist opening mechanism to keep toddlers safe.
Compatibility: Works with any MSR Fuel Bottle made after 1981. Call our customer service team if you are unsure of when your bottle was made.
Expedition Fuel Cap
This is our classic fuel bottle cap. Having a spare Expedition Fuel Cap around is never a bad idea, but we find most people typically use these on spare fuel bottles on extended trips. It’s also a good idea to de-pressurize your bottle and use this cap, instead of your fuel pump, for long-term storage.
Compatibility: Works with any MSR Fuel Bottle.

Liquid Fuel Pumps

Standard and DragonFly® Fuel Pumps
The tried and true workhorse. There’s a really good chance you may only ever need just one of these per lifetime because nearly any part that is subject to wear can be made like-new with our Fuel Pump Maintenance Kits. Note that the DragonFly stove has a slightly different design, so be sure to order the proper replacement, should you lose or break one.

Arctic Fuel Pump
Identified by its blue collar, the Arctic Fuel Pump was designed at the request of polar explorers to specifically handle the higher viscosity of fuels at below-freezing temperatures. In fact, it’s so specialized we exclusively recommend use at temperatures below freezing. Further, it is not compatible with the DragonFly stove. Beyond that, if you love getting out in super-cold places, the Arctic Fuel Pump will keep you cooking with optimal efficiency.
Compatibility: Works with any MSR Fuel Bottle or liquid fuel stove (except the DragonFly).

Stove Stabilizers

LowDown™ Remote Stove Adapter
Designed for use with all MSR canister stoves, the LowDown Remote Stove Adapter is a real game changer when it comes to boosting the utility of your camp stove. It allows you to mount your stove on a remote base, away from the canister. This lowers the center of gravity, making the whole system more stable and easier to operate with larger pots. It also moves the flame control knob out from under the stove, making boil-overs and the like far easier to handle safely. Unfortunately, we still don’t recommend windscreens around the burner, as logical as that seems. Canister stoves have rubber gaskets in their base that provide airtight connections. Using a windscreen could melt the gasket, cause a fuel leak and ruin your whole day. Despite that, we think it’s one of the best upgrades you can make to any canister stove.
Compatibility: Works with all MSR canister stoves and stove systems.

Universal Canister Stand
A lighter and lower-tech alternative to the LowDown adapter, the Universal Canister Stand simply attaches to the base of your fuel canister, providing a broader base of operations and greater stability for canister-mounted stoves. A spring-loaded adjustment slider makes it compatible with any size MSR IsoPro canister and many others. Simple, light, effective.
Compatibility: Works with any MSR fuel canister and most others as well.

Trillium Stove Base
The Trillium Stove Base provides greater stability for our liquid fuel stoves (and the WindPro™), but also a better base in snow where it will stay cool and not allow the stove to melt into the snowpack. Its broad base can span awkward gaps in gravel and rocks too, making it easier to level than any tripod base.
Compatibility: Works with all MSR liquid-fuel stoves and the MSR WindPro™ stove.

Hanging Kit
You don’t have to be big wall climbing on Baffin Island to appreciate our stove system hanging kits. While that may have been their inspiration and highest calling, they can free up valuable table space hanging off the awning on your truck, or speed up a meal just hanging from a tree at a less-than-perfect campsite. They’re available for both the Reactor® and WindBurner® systems, and even if you aren’t on your way to Baffin, you could be, right?!
Compatibility: Works with MSR stove systems.


Piezo Igniter
Italian for “the thing that lights my canister stove”, our Peizo Igniter is the ultimate execution of these handy, ultralight stove lighters. It can provide years of reliable, battery- and fuel-free lighting for any canister stove with an open-flame design. In case you're curious, they operate by activating a spring-loaded metal contact to hit a small crystal with each push of the button. That causes a tiny 'deformation' of the crystal, which emits energy and ultimately a spark. Fascinating stuff. The long tube on ours not only protects the ignition element (often a point of failure on exposed, stove-mounted igniters), it also collects a small amount of gas to make ignition more reliable. What’s more, ours is not attached to your stove so if there’s ever a problem, you’re not stuck carrying around dead weight. They’re easy to replace and even easier to carry with a place to thread a lanyard.
Compatibility: Works with all MSR canister stoves, excluding stove systems.

Strike Igniter
Ask any survivalist what the top 10 things they carry are and surely a magnesium strike igniter is on that list. Our Strike Igniter produces 5,500°F sparks that light stoves quickly and it will do it in any weather you throw at it. It’s hot enough to work with canister and liquid fuel stoves and lasts for up to 12,000 strikes.
Compatibility: Works with all MSR liquid fuel and canister stoves.

Efficiency Boosters

Heat Exchanger
Maximizing heat transfer from flame to pot, as our stove systems do with custom-fit cookware and specialized burners, is hands-down the best way to boost camp stove efficiency. However, if you prefer the versatility of a liquid-fuel stove, our Heat Exchanger not only helps capture added heat coming up from the burner, it shields pots from wind and insulates them to save you fuel and time in the field. On longer trips, the fuel savings they provide can easily offset their weight, making them ideal for extended or remote trips where ounces count.
Compatibility: Any pot 6.6 in.–7.3 in. (16.8 cm–18.5 cm) in diameter.

Solid Heat Reflector Windscreen
Included with every liquid fuel stove, Solid Heat Reflectors are a must-have to shield stoves from wind and make every ounce of fuel count. Lightweight and easy to fold and pack, just place the small disc under your stove and wrap the large sheet around your pot and you’re good to go. Even without wind, they’ll capture added heat and get you eating and drinking faster. *WARNING: Definitely do not use them around a canister stove in any configuration. Concentrating heat around a canister of highly pressurized fuel should paint a pretty clear picture of what could go wrong. Even with our LowDown Remote Stove Adapter, every canister stove has a gasket in its base that could melt if surrounded by a windscreen, causing a fuel leak and more bad outcomes.
Compatibility: Works with all MSR liquid fuel stoves and the WindPro™ stove.
Maintenance Kits
While canister stoves are virtually maintenance-free, liquid fuel stoves require some simple maintenance to ensure hassle-free performance in the field. From quick checks before each trip to fixing major issues far from home, we have simple-to-use kits for it all. Check your stove’s product page for easy-to-follow maintenance videos for all of our liquid fuel pumps and stoves.

Annual Maintenance Kit
While we’ve heard stories of people finding Grandpa’s stove in a closet and firing it up no problem, inspecting and then swapping out, cleaning or lubricating the 'soft' parts of the pump and stove after extended storage is highly recommended. The Annual Kit includes a jet cleaner, fuel line cable tool, lubricant and replacement gaskets to cover essential periodic maintenance.
Compatibility: All MSR liquid fuel stoves and pumps

Expedition Service Kit
The Expedition Service Kit includes everything the Annual Kit has, plus extra jets that cover international fuels and nearly everything else replaceable to keep you going in just about any situation.
Compatibility: Kits are specific to your MSR liquid fuel stove. Be sure to choose the right maintenance kit on the product page by choosing the correct option in the 'Size' drop-down menu.
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